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School Improvement Team

School Improvement Team

What is the School Improvement Team?

School Improvement Teams are required by North Carolina law to develop school improvement plans. The ECGE School Improvement team is comprised of the principal, representatives of the assistant principals, instructional personnel, instructional support personnel, and teacher assistants assigned to the school building, and parents of children enrolled in the school. The representatives are elected by their respective groups (such as the PTA for parents).

The General Assembly of North Carolina views parental involvement as a critical component of school success and positive student achievement. It is the intent of NC that parents, along with teachers, have a substantial role in developing school improvement plans.

2021-2022 School Improvement Plan

NCStar is the new system OCS is using for the school improvement process. You may access the ECGE School Improvement Plan for 2021 -2022 on our district website.

How do I communicate a suggestion for school improvement to the group?

You may communicate directly with an individual on the team or send an email to our parent representatives at 

SIT Members

Principal- Kelly Parks

Assistant Principal- Mark English

Teacher Representative- Abigail Carr

Teacher Representative - Alyson Seelbach

Teacher Representative - Sarah Brown

Teacher Representative - Logan Baker

Teacher Representative - Rebecca Furstenberg

Teacher Representative - Demetra Fogleman

Teacher Representative - Megan Petrizzi

Support/Teacher Representative - Taylor Golding, Dean of Students

Support/Teacher Representative - Robin Lowman, AIG Specialist

Magnet Coach Teacher Representative - Elizabeth Bennett, Global Gateway Coordinator

Support Coach Representative - Catherine Stewart, K-2 Literacy Coach

Instructional Support Representative - Debbie Evans

Parent Representatives- Rosalie Gasperino, Noah Oswald

When does the School Improvement Team meet and can I attend the meeting?

School Improvement Teams are considered a public body and are subject to open meeting laws. Staff, parents and community members are always welcome to attend and observe the meetings. The ECGE School Improvement Team will meet in person and/or virtually at 4:00 on the third Wednesday of each month. Here is the Zoom link we will use for this year's SIT meetings. 

School Improvement Team Meeting Agendas/Minutes 2021-22

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